First to support fine-tuning for Llama 3.1 405B

We've built a platform for non-Nvidia GPUs, starting with TPUs. It offers the same performance as NVIDIA H100, at 30% lower cost, and is optimized for large models.

Backed by

  • YCombinator

Key Features of Felafax

  • One-click large training cluster

    Effortlessly spin-up TPU/non-Nvidia GPU clusters from 8 to 1024 chips. Our framework seamlessly handles the training orchestration on any size cluster.

  • Unbeatable performance at lower cost

    We built a custom training platform using a non-cuda, XLA architecture. You get same performance as H100 at 30% lower cost.

  • Customization at your finger-tip

    Drop into Jupyter notebook and tailor your training run. Full control, zero compromises.

  • We handle the heavy lifting

    We provide optimised model partitioning for Llama 3.1 405B, handle distributed checkpointing and multi-controller training orchestration. Focus on your innovation, not infrastructure.

  • Out-of-box templates

    Choose between Pytorch XLA or JAX. Hit the ground running with pre-configured environments with all the necessary dependencies installed.

  • JAX implementation of Llama 3.1 (coming soon!)

    With JAX, you get 25% faster training and 20% higher GPU utilization. Make good use of the costly compute you've paid for.

Want to fine-tune Llama 405B on your enterprise data?

Please reach out to us, and we'll work with you to get you set up. 🙂

Reach out

Meet our team

  • Nikhil Sonti

    Co-Founder & CEO

    Over 6 years at Meta and 3+ years at Microsoft, Nikhil has worked on ML inference infrastructure for Facebook Feed, focusing on performance and efficiency.

  • Nithin Sonti

    Co-Founder & CTO

    Nithin has over 5 years of experience at Google and Nvidia, specializing in building large-scale ML training infrastructure. He worked on building the trainer platform for YouTube recommender models and fine-tuned Gemini for YouTube.

Built by engineers with experience at

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Nvidia
  • Microsoft

Let’s connect

We’re here to help and answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.